Hannah Hall Historic Characterisation, 2007,
UK- Hanham Hall, Bristol
Senior Urban Designer with National Consultancy Unit, English Partnership, Milto Keynes,UK.
Part of the Historic Characterisation Studies with a view of developing a Toolkit for a bestpractise guide and was a joint work between English Heritage and English Partnership.
Pleasley Collery, East Midlands, United Kingdom - 2006

Development Brief - Pleasley Colliary Housing, East Midlands, UK 2006

Senior Urban Designer with National Consultancy Unit, English Partnership, Milton Keynes,UK
Development of the Design Guidance for the Pleasley Colliery Housing.
Graylingwell Hospital, Chicester, United Kingdom- 2006
Hannah Hall Historic Characterisation - 2007.
Tourism Complex, Bodrum, Turkey
> Historic Characterisation Study-
> Masterplanning Tender Submission,
> Development Brief, Pleasley Colliery,
> Historic Characterisation Studies,
> Design Guide, Milford Hospital
Design Assessments, 2006-07
City Centre Redevelopment,
Competition Mecca 2001
Riverside Pleace, Yangon, Myanmar
The Sand River Housing, Shenzhen,
Extension, Hong Kong SAR 1995-96
Military Sites Studies, Hong Kong
West Kowloon Reclamation, Hong
Jalan Telepok Housing, Brunei,
Jerudong Park Village, Brunei,
Jerudong Park New Town, Brunei,
Award Winning Competition
Housing, Riyadh 1983
22 New Towns, Saudi Arabia 1980
> Award Winning Housing Masterplan,
Regeneration Scheme, Northern
Ireland 1979
Historic Characterisation - Graylingwell Hospital Housing, Chichester, UK - 2006
All Urban Design Projects
Milford Hospital, Surrey, United Kingdom - 2006
St Albans City Centre, United Kingdom - 1980
Award Winning St Albans City Centre Regeneration Competition. CLIENT: ST ALBANS CITY COUNCIL 1980
Urban Designer for Renton Howard Wood Levin Partnership.
Redevelopment of a large inner city site completed in 1990. The scheme included shopping, leisure, 39 residential units and 650 car parking spaces. One of the first schemes to involve public consultations with local amenity groups, conservation societies & local traders.
Leatherhead, United Kingdom - 1980
Award Winning Leatherhead Housing Master Planning Competition, UK. 1980
Urban Designer with Renton Howard Wood Levin Partnership
Award winning design development concept for a neighbourhood around a 'village green' and short cul-de-sac units in Fetcham, Leatherhead.
Sussex House
7 Willesden Road