West Rail Habitat Scheme, Hong Kong - 1999
The creation and management of first ecological wetland habitat schemes. Member of the team working with interested parties including world wildlife fund. Also team member for the first ecological wetland habitat schemes in Hong Kong working with interested partied including World Wildlife Fund.
West Rail Habitat Creation and Management Programme in Hong Kong - 1999
Mei Foo Interchange Link, Hong Kong - 1999
Mei Foo Interchange Link, Hong Kong, SAR - 1999
CLIENT: The Mass Transit railway Corpration
Consultant to ERM International, Hong Kong
The study assesses the impact of the proposed scheme extending the existing station below a pedestrian mall and a busy street, from a visual and landscaping standpoint during and after the construction, and brings recommendations to minimise potential impacts.
All Environmental Impact Studies
> West Rail Habitat Programme,
> Mei Foo Interchange Link, Hong
> Lantau Airport Railway, Hong Kong
> Power Station Extension, Hong
Kong - 1999
> Kam Tin Road Improvement, Hong
Kong 1998
> Tuen Mun, Area 56 Housing, Hong
Kong - 1998
> Lai King, Government Offices,
> Yao Tong Station, Hong Kong- 1995
- 96
> Hang Hau Station, Hong Kong - 1995
- 96
> Tsuen Kwan Q/Quarry Bay
Extension, Hong Kong 1995-96
> Military Sites, New Territories,
Power Station Extension, Lamma Island, Hong Kong - 1999
Sussex House
7 Willesden Road
Consultant to ERM International, Hong Kong
This study assesses the potential landscape & visual impact of the proposal within the context of the whole Hong Kong SAR and recommends mitigation measures for incorporation into the design of the extension.
1800mw Power Station, Lamma Island, Hong Kong
CLIENT: Hong Kong Electrical Company Ltd
Tuen Mun, Hong Kong - 1998
Tuen Mun, Area 56 Housing.
CLIENT: Hong Kong Planning Department
Consultant Urban Designer for ERM International,
Hong Kong
Environmental impact assessment study, development of design guidelines and recommendation of mitigation measures
Kam Tin, Hong Kong SAR - 1998
Kam Tin Road Improvement, 1998
CLIENT: Hong Kong Planning Department
Consultant Urban Designer for ERM International,
Hong Kong
Environmental impact assessment study, development of design guidelines and recommendation of mitigation measures
Lai King, Hong Kong - 1997
Government Offices, Lai King, Hong Kong, 1997
Consultant to ERM International, Hong Kong
The study assesses and determines the impact of the proposed development, covring an area of 11,350m2, from a visual and landscaping standpoint along with a full scope of environmental issues, and bring recommendations to minimise potential impacts.
Yau Tong Station, Hong Kong SAR - 1995 - 96
TKO Feasibility Study - Yau Tong Station
CLIENT: Hong Kong Planning Department
Consultant Urban Designer for ERM
Development of urban design concept schemes
for both new and existing residential,
commercial, public sites adjoining onto the Yau
Tong Station and implications of the proposed
extensions to the railway.
Hang Hau Station, Hong Kong, SAR - 1995 - 96
QBE Feasibility Study - Hang Hau Station
CLIENT: Hong Kong Planning Department
Consultant Urban Designer for ERM International
Development of urban design concept schemes for both new and existing residential, commercial, public sites adjoining on to the Hang Hau and implications of the proposed extensions to the railway.
Tsuen Kwan Extension Feasibility - 1995 - 1996
Blank Page
Tsuen Kwan Q/ Quarry Bay Extension Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design
Client: The Mass Transit Railway Corporation MTRC)
Principle Architect and Urban Designer. Urbis Ltd. Hong Kong
Development of urban design schemes for both new and existing residential, commercial, public sites including areas adjoining on to five new Mass Transit Railway (MTR) stations in Hong Kong (The Po lam, Hang Hau, TKO Town Centre, Tsui Keng Leng and Yau Tong Stations).
Redevelopment of Military Sites, Hong Kong SAR 1995-96
CLIENT: Hong Kong Planning Department
Principle Architect & Urban Designer with Urbis Ltd, Hong Kong.
The assessment and evaluation of the six sites in the New Territories, varying in sizes from 11,000m2 to 233,000m2, and the development of new urban design schemes. The proposed accomodation varied from 10 to 965 units on different sites.
Military Sites, Hong Kong SAR - 1995 - 96
West Kowloon Reclamation, Hong Kong 1995-96
West Kowloon Reclamation
CLIENT: Territorial Development Department, Hong Kong Government
Principle Architect and Urban Designer. Urbis Ltd. Hong Kong
Environmental assessment of land-use and property development options with regard to visual and physical impact, marine restrictions, and resumption and economic impact.
Sussex House
7 Willesden Road